Shelf Life all Foods

What Makes a Serving

6 to 11 Daily... Bread, Cereal, Pasta, and Rice
1 slice bread, 1/2 English muffin or small bagel, 1 oz cereal, 1/2 cup cooked cereal, pasta or rice

3 to 5 Daily ...Vegetables
6 oz juice, 1/2 cup raw or cooked veg. 1 cup raw greens or other leafy greens

2 to 4 Daily Fruits
6 oz juice. 1 med apple, orange, banana or pear, 1/2 cup raw canned or stew fruit 1/2 grape fruit or cantaloupe, 1/4 cup dried fruit

2 to 3 Daily Milk & Dairy
1 cup milk or yogurt 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/2 cup ice cream, ice milk, or frozen yogurt

2 to 3 daily total 6oz Meat, Fish Poultry ect.
2 or 3 oz lean meat fish or poultry, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons Peanut butter, 1/2 cup cooked dried peas, beans, or lentils

How to keep your seafood fresh after you bring it home –
storage tips and techniques.
Crab :

Fresh seafood should be well-iced at all times.  Store it in the coldest part of
your refrigerator and use a thermometer to keep your refrigerator set below
40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Crabmeat can be frozen for up to two months with fair results.  Using a thermometer,
keep freezer below 0 degrees Fahrenheit.  Prechill the crabmeat; package it in small,
moisture proof, vapor proof containers; expel air before sealing containers.
  Spread out in the freezer for rapid freezing.  Thaw in the refrigerator for a day.
The shelf life of fresh-picked cooked crabmeat is 10-12 days from the
 Date Packaged.  Once at home, it’s best to use it in one or two days.

Live crawfish are typically packaged in plastic mesh sacks at about 35 pounds each. This type of packaging restricts crawfish movements and their ability to inflict damage to each other with their claws and allows rapid cooling and replenishment of moisture. But the open-mesh sacks also allow for rapid desiccation if moisture is not maintained or replenished. Crawfish in good health and held under good refrigerated conditions can be stored up to four to five days without excessive mortality.  Live crawfish should be held in refrigerated coolers, either packed with ice or with the relative humidity replenished by daily wettings and/or with moisture-retaining blankets of wet burlap.
Crawfish tail meat that has been cooked and deveined can be frozen for several months.  If the tail meat is to be frozen for more than 5 months it is best to wash the yellow fat off of the meat as it can become rancid after prolonged freezing.  Package the tail meat in small 12 ounce or 1 pound sealed containers and expel all air before sealing.  Thaw in refrigerator for a full day before cooking.
It’s best to use cooked tail meat within a day or two after peeling for best flavor.  Freeze the meat if you plan on cooking further out than this.

Live shell-stock should be stored at 40-45°F.  Storage at too cold temperatures will also stress the animal, as will sudden temperature fluctuations. If you are not going to cook the oysters immediately, clean the shells with a kitchen brush, place in a bowl, cover the bowl with a damp towel and refrigerate. Oysters will keep for 2 to 3 days; however, they are best when cooked as soon as possible. Shucked oysters that have not been cooked can be stored in their liquor, covered and refrigerated for up to 2 days.
Oysters can be frozen in-shell, on the half-shell or the shucked meat only.  Freeze freshly shucked oysters in an air tight container with the oyster liquor. Thaw the frozen oysters in the refrigerator overnight.
Cooked oyster can be sealed and refrigerated for later consumption.

Refrigerate shrimp in cling wrap or airtight containers in the coldest part of the refrigerator.  Keep your refrigerator at 32 to 38 degrees F.  For best flavor and quality, use fresh shrimp within one to two days.  Cooked shrimp can be refrigerated 3 to 4 days.
Place frozen shrimp in home freezer immediately after purchase until ready to use.  Keep freezer at 0 degrees F or below. 
If purchasing raw shrimp for freezing, twist off the heads.  Place headless, shell-on shrimp in freezer bags with ice water.  Expel air and seal bags.  Spread bas out in freezer for quick freezing.  Shrimp maintain their quality for twelve months.
Thaw frozen shrimp in the refrigerator overnight. 
Cooked shrimp can be refrigerated 3 to 4 days.

Refrigerate raw fish in the coldest part of the refrigerator. Use a thermometer and keep the frig set between 34 - 40 degrees F. It’s best to use fresh fish within one to two days.i
To freeze raw fish, set the freezer at 0 degrees F or colder. Fish can be frozen for 3-4 months. Thaw fish in refrigerator for a day.
Cooked fish can be refrigerated 3-4 days and frozen for one month.

Fresh alligator may be kept sealed in its original packaging unopened in the refrigerator for 10-12 days.  Fresh or opened product should be refrigerated for only 2-3 days without freezing.
Alligator meat may be frozen for later use, but should have all fat removed before cooking or freezing.  It may be frozen for up to one-year with fat removed and wrapped in moisture proof material.
Cooked alligator can be stored in the refrigerator for approximately 3 days.

1 comment:

  1. I have bought frozen crawfish from Louisiana for quick dishes. Still yummy
